How to integrate our system with your Dynatrace. In general we have 3 steps for configuration: – Create Dynatrace Token
- Create Dynatrace sender in EMTool
- Set up Alerting
Create the Token
- Login to Dynatrace
- Go to Settings -> Integration -> Dynatrace API
4. Enter Token Name + select Write Metrics + Ingest Metrics Checkbox
5. Press The button Generate
6. Token Will be generated
Configure Emtool Dynatrace sender
- Login into admin panel
- Go to setting => Connections => Dynatrace
- input connection name (for example mydynatraceaccount_1)
- Each environment that you monitor with Dynatrace is identified with a unique character string—the environment ID. The Dynatrace API relies heavily on environment IDs to ensure that it pulls monitoring data from and pushes relevant external events to the correct Dynatrace environments.In Dynatrace SaaS, your environment ID is the first part of your Dynatrace environment’s URL: https://{your-environment-id}.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/metrics/ingestFor example, for the Dynatrace environment https://abc123a.dynatrace.com, the environment ID is abc123a.Official link: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/reference/dynatrace-concepts/environment-id/Required Action – input URL into URL field
- Paste token into field and click “ADD CONNECTION”
- Insure that connections is active and successfully created
Configure Alerting
- Go to metrics
- In Filtered by field enter domain_status, just to insure, that Dynatrace receive metrics from certchecker application.
3. Go to Settings -> Anomaly Detection -> Custom Events for Alerting 4.in field Metrics select domain_status
4. In field aggregation select minimum
5. Fulfil monitoring strategy
6. Fulfil Event Description form
7. Press the button “Create Custom Event for Alerting”
- By default connections will be pick all the domains in pool. For separate it to different monitoring system please use predefined tag “environment” while Dynatrace connection creation.